Latest – Tagged "artisanal" – MétaFormose

Tagged "artisanal"

{Handpicked Curation} 法國品牌Inouitoosh (Coming to store in September!!)

Posted by Team MétaFormose on 作者



九月即將在MétaFormose上線的Inouitoosh來自法國,雖然是小眾品牌,但她們在布料的研發上跟印花的拼湊手法跟市面上的輕飾品有極大的差異度-目前該品牌在老佛爺百貨跟戴高樂機場都有設櫃! 請拭目以待! (圖片截取於品牌Instagram帳戶)




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{Out and About }Patisserie Nakano

Posted by Team MétaFormose on 作者


{Out and about }Patisserie Nakano is one of our favourite neighbourhood hang-outs and our go-to place for macaroons. Just across the street from our studio, this charming little pastry shop never fails to impress us with their out-of-this-world pastry. In case you're wondering, the head pastry chef had learned his craft in Japan and later went on to further his studies in France, hence the name. (Nakano is a district in Tokyo,and patisserie means pastry shop in French.) Despite being very popular amongst the locals, (there is literally never a quiet moment in the shop every time we visit.) the shop manages to adhere to its artisanal roots in that everything is made on premise using the freshest,seasonal ingredients. (no canned fruit in their pastries) and they only make a small batch each day to maintain the consistency and the quality of their products. Store is open from mid-day to 8:30, but things get sold out very quickly, so be sure to stop by early in the day !!

暑氣蔓延的五月,甜點就變成了最大的能量來源。今天, 小編要介紹的昰位於MetaFormose工作室對面的職人甜點店-Patisserie Nakano

主廚曾經就讀於東京的織田製菓專門甜點學校專攻洋菓子及甜點製作,以他在法國及日本製作經歷為基礎,2009年返台成立個人工作室,至今主廚還是不時的安排出國進修, 屢屢帶來日益豐富,令人驚艷的甜點創作。 









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