Job opportunities | Emploi | 誠徵人才 – MétaFormose

Job opportunities | Emploi | 誠徵人才

Feb 2017- Studio assistant @Taoyuan showroom - (30-hour/week)-Position had been filled.

We're looking for 1 studio assistant to help manage running the day-to-day during the week. Applicant must speak Mandarin and English. (Knowledge of Japanese language is preferable though not mandatory.) Academic/professional experience in fashion is not required, but applicant must demonstrate good administrative skills and an excellent eye for details. Send your CV to

Salary TBD. 

June 2016-Fashion marketing assistant /community manager-position had been filled

We're looking for 1-2 P/T fashion marketing assistant. This position lasts for the duration of summer but it could potentially lead-to long-term employment as we do have quite a few scheduled events coming up in the second half of the year.

We're looking for someone who can take initiatives,someone who can hit the ground running, previous intern experience in the field essential, though not required. Please send you CV to


Feb 2016- position had been filled.

Full-time showroom/studio assistant

We are looking for a F/T (40hrs) studio assistant who has previous professional experience as an exec-level assistant and is able to multi-task and takes initiatives. Experience in the retail sector is preferable but not mandatory.Must be fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese.

Send your CV/cover lettre to


Part-time showroom / studio intern- 已找到需求人選

MétaFormose誠徵桃園市showroom part-time實習生(時薪:160/小時)

誠徵相關科系大三大四實習生1-2位女性學生 適合有活力樂於接觸人群且作事一絲不苟並且能夠配合showroom 開放時間者為優先錄取 應徵者需對於精品流行/紡織產業有一定的熟悉度 對於色彩跟搭配也須略有涉獵 並且詳知流行產業訊息 工作內容廣泛 主要為協助工作室/展示空間的事宜 等於特助的職位 實習期間表現如果良好 公司會考慮畢業後長期雇用 全職薪水待遇另外洽談 工作內容包括(但不限於)以下







時薪160元 需要會說會話級英文 工作時間為周一到周五 下午1點到晚上9點 由於考慮到在學生無法full-time配合  應徵時請標註能夠配合時段以便我們作排班 應徵者煩請將履歷跟自傳寄到 謝謝

We are looking for a P/T (20 hrs or so) showroom/studio intern that could lead to long-term employment.Eligible candidates need to be flexible with his/her time, have basic knowledge of the fashion and the textile industry,and speak conversational English / native-level Mandarin Chinese.

Send your CV/cover lettre to