{大溪老茶廠 DaXi Tea Factory}
這次MétaFormose小編前往了隱身於靜謐山丘裡的大溪老茶廠。雖然交通上不是十分方便,但是提供了一個不錯的假日一日遊去處。老茶廠建於1926年 (舊名為:「角板山工場」),日治時期時台茶興盛,外銷達到巔峰的黃金時代,將茶奉為「黑金」,老茶廠一天三班制,機器沒日沒夜的運轉,盛產的日東紅茶每年可高達600英噸之多。茶葉的傳統製造方式流傳至今,茶香橫跨了一個世紀到我們的年代,在政府整頓之後,保留了老茶廠挑高建築的設計,以不造作純樸的白色為基底,極富古典氣味的孔雀藍窗櫺為飾,光線溜進茶廠裡滲透每一個細胞,樑柱、牆上、吊燈都能看見斑駁的落漆,又或是盤沿著白牆的蕨類植物,都象徵著每一道屬於茶廠的歷史痕跡,保留了沈著平靜的力量。走進茶廠,濃濃的茶香撲鼻,舊有製茶機具及設置茶書屋供民眾品茗閱讀,營造不刻意的靜謐空間,輕音樂流瀉其中,老式建築的光影,將老宅的溫度帶給每個到訪的旅客。其中的靜水池,就像傳統日式建築中庭的湖般清澈,倒映了圍繞著老茶廠的樹影及藍天白雲,日光照射及木地板的襯托,更呈現出了非凡的和諧感。大溪老茶廠屹立於靈秀山間,是個假日想遠離城市喧囂,尋覓屬於自己的好地方,在品茗的過程中,也能悟出不同以往的小樂趣!{Daxi tea factory}Don't let the name fool you, the tea-making business inTaiwan is as artisanal as it gets.Despite the enormousdemands from domestic and international markets,most ofthe tea-making business is surprisingly still family-operated and the process remains just as artisanal as it once was.As a religious consumer of all kinds of Taiwanese tea, my recent day-trip to Daxi tea factory has given me insight into every Taiwanese' go-to beverage and the culture behind it.Do you know ,for instance, that Taiwanese tea has a dazzling variety that belongs to neither green tea nor black tea, but it is everything in between?The unique balance of flavours that you find in Oolong, Baojun, TieGuanin,Meiran tea can only be achieved by having experienced "masters" on site supervising the roasting process that can sometimes go on for days.There is also a tearoom where you can enjoy homemade cookies over a cuppa indoors or out on the terrace overlooking a lovely stone pond. It's the perfect day trip for everyone who is looking for a quick escape from the city.Click here for directions.
Tagged "tea"
Daxi Tea Factory- 大溪老茶廠
Posted by Team MétaFormose on 作者