*Slip-on style with concealed zipper on the side to facilitate wearing.
*Made with easy-care fine suedette fabric, with a silky finish on the interior layer
*2 front sit pockets
*sleeve length and colour customization is available upon request
*Lead-time is 2.5 weeks,excluding shipping time.
Color/Couleur:model is seen wearing chestnut, which is not included in the fabric swatches ( For other colours, please refer to the swatch samples in the last picture.Please also note that not all of them are always availalbe, so please do get in touch first to double-check on the stock availability.)
Material/Composition:easy-care suedette (faux suede)
Size/Taille:custom-made (We will customize this dress based on our customer's measurements, including height,shoulder width,bust/waist/hip size)
Model size/ Taille de mannequin:163cm/46kg (or 5'4/ 101 lb)
Care instructions/Entretien:
Cold handwash, air/machine dry with the garment turned inside out.
還有短袖版 如要其他顏色 請來信索取色卡
MétaFormose在2014八月份榮登法國版流行時尚指標Elle網站Dossier Mode的獨立小店推薦系列 文中提到來自台灣的MétaFormose主打襯衫式/中長版洋裝/質地輕盈的上衣 我們對其美麗的作品 經典的剪裁 以及不矯作的顏色展現為之驚艷(La marque taïwanaise MetaFormose propose un vestiaire souple fait de robes chemises, robes maxi, et blouses fluides. On craque pour ces jolies créations aux coupes classiques et couleurs naturelles.)
立體boxy輪廓 前方有兩口袋 後方中間開隱形拉鍊
無內裡 但完全不透 仿麂皮質料手感柔軟好照顧
顏色: 駝色
材質/成分: 仿麂皮(suedine)
尺寸: 訂做款 顧客需提供肩寬/身高/淨身三圍
全長: 依顧客身高作調整 原版是85cm
可冷水手洗 但熨燙請隔布 勿浸泡