Interested in carrying MétaFormose in your shop?代理商諮詢

Interested in carrying MétaFormose in your shop?代理商諮詢

Thanks for your interest in our products. If you are an e-retailer or a physical boutique and would like to know how to become a MétaFormose stockist, please fill out the form to request further information.

Once we receive your inquiry, we will contact you within 24-48 hours to find out how we can best meet your needs. If you are an existing wholesale customer and need to place an order with us, please follow the standard procedure and email our edtiorial team at


想要在您的網站內/精品店內販售MétaFormose的商品嗎? 請先來信並描述您的商店規模(實體/網路)需求量跟交期 我們會在24-48小時內針對您的需求做最詳細的回答 謝謝